6118 Geisler Run Road, Huntingdon PA 16652 (814) 667-3620
Our primary service is the administration of Timber Sales for private property owners. Administration of Timber Sales includes:
Provide Timber management recommendations aligned with the landowners goals of sustained yield, wildlife habitat and income production.
Provide appraisals to land owners regarding the market value of their standing timber.
Use GPS instrumentation and GIS software to map property and sale boundaries.
Select, measure, mark, and tally all trees to be harvested in timber sale areas.
Calculate timber sale volumes based on tree species, scale, and diameter.
Prepare the timber sale contracts (terms, conditions, and agreements).
Prepare and send sale advertisements to prospective timber buyers; provide a guided tour of timber sale areas if required.
Conduct bidding process of timber sale between landowner and timber buyers.
Advise landowner on bid award.
Administering Timber Sale Contract to ensure work quality, contract terms and regulation compliance by Buyer. Timber Sale inspections during harvesting operations.
Insure timber payments are made prior to logging.
Prepare the required erosion and sediment control plans for timber harvesting operations (as needed).
Insure proper retirement and seeding of roads, trails and log landings to control erosion.
Wildlife Habitat Management Service is also offered as consideration when planning into a Timber sale operation.
Appraisal Services are also offered to assist in:
Evaluating timber resources on prospective land purchase when linked to follow on timber sale administration.
Damage or theft situations.
To establish Basis in Timber Resources for Income Tax needs.